Contributed Medical Photos - INJURIES
The images below are clear, up-close images of various medical issues contributed by owners or vets.
These images may be graphic in nature. Proceed at your own risk.
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These images may be graphic in nature. Proceed at your own risk.
If you have photos to contribute, please visit our Submit a Photo page.
Oakley - Wing Amputation. "Oakley was injured when transferred to a carrier, when we got him home it was noticed his wing was hanging down. On further investigation he has a complex fracture of the lower wing with a bone exposed. Avian & Exotic Animals in Raleigh, NC agreed to see him. After blood work and x-rays it was determined the lower wing would need to be amputated. They did a great job of caring for him. His vet was in contact with me from day one until discharge 4 days later. Today Oakley is well adjusted. We call him our handicapable Peacock." - Irish Springs Peafowl
Artemis P. Fowl - Bruised Beak. "Artemis bruised her beak running into the fencing of her enclosure. She was given rimadyl [Site note: Carprofen, an anti-inflammatory] for the first 3-4 days and tube fed for the first 2 days because her beak was too sensitive to eat with, so she was refusing food. It took a couple of weeks to clear up completely, but it did (last photo)."
Indy - Hyphema. Owners believe that Indy's eye experienced percussive trauma, resulting in hyphema (blood collecting between the cornea and the iris). His vet prescribed him Ciprofloxacin and Flurbiprofen drops to be applied to the eye, as well meloxicam by mouth for 10 days. In these instances, sight may or may not return, it is a matter of waiting to see. In this case, Indy's eye returned to normal and he appears able to see again.